
Modern Apprenticeship

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Roofing Advisors

We are delighted to share the story of our newest employee, and her career path journey through the Modern Apprenticeship Scheme at Skills Development Scotland.

“In 2020 when the Covid lockdown happened I was being home schooled and like all students I was unable to sit my exams. Unfortunately, there was nothing put in place to evaluate results for home schooled students, so I was left with no formal exams at all. This was scary and upsetting and I couldn’t see a way to move forward. I then discovered Modern Apprenticeships. Through the scheme I was able to secure a job at Roofing Advisors UK Ltd as a trainee administrator, I was nervous but excited…I don’t have to worry about what I will do in the future anymore. I am now enjoying working, earning a wage, and working on qualifications too.”

Not everyone finds their way into further education or a career the conventional way. Explore alternative opportunities to help find a path to success.


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